Yurii Shevchuk's blog

Gradient boosting as a blind gradient descent
In the article, I'll show you that gradient boosting can be seen as a "blind" gradient descent. The gradient boosting pursues the same goal as the gradient descent, except it doesn't have a function for which we want to find a minimum, and yet the steps it takes can get you closer to it. That's what I mean by "blind". Gradient boosting optimizes the function which it doesn't see.
Knuth's numbers and impractical memory devices
In this article, I will show that many of the properties of Knuth's numbers can be understood by imagining a rather impractical memory device that can be directly connected to Knuth's numbers. In addition, the recursive construction process of the numbers can tell us how to create such a device.
Solution to the split and multiply puzzle from FiveThirtyEight
Martingale betting strategy in fair casino
The article aims to correct the claim about the martingale betting strategy in the Numberphile video and show that the actual probability is equal to 50% rather than 1/e, as stated in the video.
Three solutions to the Putnam's 2006 statistical problem
Three solutions to one of the problems from the Putnam's exam.
Game with a bag of chocolates
Solution to the FiveThrityEight's puzzle which includes general intuition and prove for game with an arbitrary number of milk and black chocolates.
Chaining ranges with SQL
Range is quite an unusual data structure for SQL queries and chaining these ranges is not straightforward. This article shows how to implement a solution to a very specific problem involving ranges. In addition to the solution there is a proof which shows that the proposed algorithm works for every possible set of ranges.
Analyses of the dice rolling strategies
Solution to the FiveThrityEight's puzzle which includes general proof for dices with arbitrary number of sides.
IMO 2019 and solutions to the non-geometric problems
My solutions to the non-geomertical problems from the IMO 2019
Coin flipping game from IMO 2019
Solution to my favorite problem from the IMO 2019